Thursday, October 31, 2019

To what extent would a social and environmental audit help Coca-Cola Essay

To what extent would a social and environmental audit help Coca-Cola to answer its critics - Essay Example An independent study by Exeter University on the sludge released from Coca Cola Company reveals that the sludge that Coca Cola has been dumping on the land has traces of chemicals that are not safe for human consumption. That result invalidates any claim by Coca Cola that the waste material is not harmful to human beings. It exposes Coca Cola’s operations in India as unethical. In fact, Exeter’s research is also supported narrowly by study results from the local state laboratories who have positively confirmed the sludge indeed has chemicals. These two findings put any claim of honesty by Coca Cola about the state of its operations in India’s Kerala state as unreliable. Coca Cola cannot be trusted to give an audit of itself without attempting to sweep its ethical filth below the carpet to avoid possible repercussions. No man can be a judge in his own case (Layzer, 2011). The reliability of claims by those who oppose Coca Cola’s activities can also be assessed through the prism of facts, exaggeration and hidden interest in the matter. The study reveals that since the Coca Cola opened up in the region, locals have complained about the amount of water they can access. Since water is such a necessity in human lives, and since the complaints have been there since the company began its operations, claims about the drop in the volumes of water seem justifiable. One can say that the villagers are honest to say that the setting up of the company has affected the volumes of waters in the region. That is because water is a commodity used daily in human life and any event that affects its accessibility is easily noticed. The locals can also be justified in their claims that their livelihoods have been destroyed since the building of the plant in the region. It would appear that the huge amounts of water needed for sustainability of the lives of locals has been grossly interfered with in the aftermath of

Monday, October 28, 2019

The arts and knowledge Essay Example for Free

The arts and knowledge Essay What makes the world more beautiful and peace or when imagination set beyond reason and other stress things? Well, art could be an answer in this situation and it is useful in some areas that science cannot define. To a slightly degree that truth is found in art. However the relationship between truth and art sound to be contradict to each other, but there is still a truth in art which is very important to nature. Art and truth have always been separate as two different areas of knowledge in mutual incomprehension. Whatever the relationship between the arts and knowledge, there seems to be a big difference between the contribution made by the arts to our understanding of the world and that made by the sciences (Theory of Knowledge p. 350). If we think carefully and define the definition of truth and art, we can easily seek the big differences. Truth as we know, is claim to be real, logic and reasonable with supported evidence. Therefore truth is also objective statement since every agrees for it to be true, some sciences claim could be a good example of truth. On the other hand, art appeal more to our imagination and emotion which runs out the border of reason. With some statement about art, some people may think art is then useless if it doesnt have any truth but only waste of junk. However, art can be subjective. It could appeal to individuals emotions and expression. A drawing from someone can express the artists emotion, the usage of color and lines stroke could represent the artist emotion. Still when spectators spotted the drawing they may infer only little amount of truth. As art can be subjective, the audience may think about the drawing in any kind of feelings they see from their perspective. For example, a drawing of a shadow of the man with a circle. The audience may think about the drawing in any kind of forms that appeal to them, such as a man and a sun or a man with a soccer ball. There are no proofs that either one is right or wrong, there is no one specific truth from the drawing. As the quote a picture may describe thousand words, there are many perspectives that you can observe from the picture and they are expressed in more allusive and intuitive forms. If we compare this to science theories, it would be totally the opposite. Two different theories are given to proof a same claim. There would be only one that is right that gives the truth about the claim. For example, 2+2 must equal 4, this truth is reasoned and supported with many evidence. The theories would contradict each other, if one in true the other would be false. However art can also be objective since artists have intention in their work, but it might not be clear as science which has practical evidence and proof in each step. Some people define art as untrue because they deal with fiction rather than fact. This would bring us to another aspect call paradox of fiction. The fact that fiction is sometimes able to reveal deep truths about human condition. While it may seem to strange that we human beings often turn to fiction in search of truth, it also seems to be true! (Theory of Knowledge p.352). This tells us a bit more how art gives truth to our experience of the world. But the truth that art gives us might be different kind of truth the science gives us. For example, arts can tell us about the nature and love which science cannot. Most of the time, truth in art comes in the form of emotion. Art gives truth in a slightly degree which mostly appeal to emotion. Art can be objective or subjective and if we relate to truth which must be objective we may seek the difference. The intention of artist and what the audience see may be different depends on each individual perspective. If we compare it to truth in science which is really important to our life, art would consist truth in a small amount. However it is still important.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Church And Apartheid In South Africa Religion Essay

The Church And Apartheid In South Africa Religion Essay What started as an antecedent social forms grounded in colonial history resulted with the outcome of Apartheid which in turn affected the South African Church and its history. Apartheid is the state which jeopardize the social edifice of the Church as it brought much segregation, which led to many critics of apartheid blaming the Church for its existence, they have claimed that racial oppression in South Africa is the fruit of Christianity according to Hexham in his work journal: The Journal of Theology for Southern Africa This subject although has for a very long time been seen as ethical challenge to Christian theology, one cannot ignore it but can be used a case study which will ventures us to reflect what it mean to be one in Jesus Christ within our South African Christian Theology context. It is for this reason that in this assignment I endeavour to highlight some of the s Beginning of National Party Acceding to power in 1948, the National Party has kept a tight grip on the reins of government ever since till the reign was taken by ANC in 1994. According to Dr Verkuyl, the National Party had desired to develop a racial caste system in which each non-white is granted limited freedom of movement but only on the basis of a white monopoly of power and subordinated to the interests of the whites. It was in this period that race relations remained the key issue, there was increase in various measure of racial segregation and it was in this time that black consciousness and active protest became a starker reality. Therefore it was through this Party that the ideology of apartheid became the blueprint for South African society. World Council of Churches It was an amazement that the creation of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in 1948 at Amsterdam led to new phase in the ecumenical relations not only in South Africa but also globally. This raised high hope that any divisions in the Church of Christ would be healed and there would be restoration in relations of the church. South African churches welcome this phase and most of churches in South Africa joined WCC and were spontaneous and cordial in their participation. These churches included the Anglicans; Presbyterians; Methodists; the NG Churches of Cape Town and the Transvaal, and the Nederduits Hervomde Kerk in Afrika. South African delegates were sent to WCC Amsterdam in 1948 and again in 1954 to Evanston. Alan Paton of Anglican Church and Ben Marais of NG Church served in the fourteen-man commission on Church and race. These men had to conduct a study and submit a report at Evanston Conference. Marais, being one of the selected speakers in the session to represent the submission of this major report at the conference. Several South African church leaders like CB Brink, Bishop Ambrose Reeves and WA Landman play crucial roles and were actively involved in the activities of WCC. CB Brink also served in the Central committee of WCC along with other South African church leaders. The ecumenical contact built on these years had a great effects in South African and various conferences and talks between local church leaders were arranged to discuss matters of mutual concern. Many South African students received bursaries from WCC to study in America and Europe. However, it was after the discussion of race relations and decision taken at the Evanston that uncertainties grew especially from the Afrikaans member churches. Cottesloe Consultation In 1960 the Church engaged itself in Cottesloe talks. It was through Cottesloe consultation that delegates were brought together from the World Council of Churches member churches in South Africa and outside the country and ecumenical institution as start of start of the partners fighting the church struggle in South Africa. In these talks, the race issue and Churchs role were put under the spotlight. After many days of these talks, decisions were taken which all member churches agreed to, except the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika which stood in disagreement with these decisions. The Cottesloe findings brought so much tension and emotions since the churches were now thrust into the midst of political stresses of the country and media had these talks as their headlines zooming more on the churches reactions. This led in some churches resigning from WCC, especially the Afrikaans Reformed churches, while the English speaking churches retained the membership in support of freedom fighters. Churches which resigned from the WCC opened Christian Institute in August 1963 in order to continue their dialogue with churches oversees. This institute provided a useful channel for communication involving people from different race and denominations. However this institute became a victim of political target and thereby lost most of its supporters. Publication: Message to the people of South Africa This publication was formulated in 1968. It focused on South African Council of Churches as spotlight and was the result of significant conference of the WCC held in Geneva in 1966 on the subject: Church and Society. Theological committee was appointed so they can consider what obedience to God requires of the Church in her witness to her unity in Christ in South Africa. This committee had to issue the message to the Country. The purpose of the document was to demonstrate the basic incompatibility of apartheid with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This document also appealed to Christians in South Africa to give their obedience and their loyalty to Jesus Christ. The document was sent to every minister in the country of which 600 showed the positive response and support and all the member churches of SACC subscribed to it. This led SACC being a target for attacks from different sides. SPROCAS The Study Project on Christianity in Apartheid Society (SPRO-CAS) was established in mid-1969 by the South African Council of Churches and the Christian Institute of Southern Africa. This document was founded after the chasm between the South African Council of Churches and Afrikaans-speaking churches grew wider, the South African Council of churches being attacked on every side. Included in this document were the six commissions and a diverse set of over 140 commissioners and consultants, which had its focused on the need for change in South Africa, examining economics, education, law, politics, sociology and the Church. The project not only played a critical role in thinking within the South African churches about how to overcome apartheid but also marks a critical stage in the birth of the Black Consciousness Movement. The projects publications had to be submitted to South Africas Publication Control Board for censorship. Plans had to be adjusted when several of the writers, including Biko, Desmond, and Turner, were issued with banning orders prohibiting them from being quoted in any publication. Despite such difficulties the project had significant impact on political developments leading up to the Soweto student uprising in 1976. Soweto Uprising The stained situation acquire a fresh dimension with Soweto riots in 1976, when the black youth stood their ground against states educational policy and the existence of certain laws which had broken up homes, families and the ordinary life. The youth were dissatisfied, and they were no willing to accept these situations which they found themselves in. It was through this stand that Soweto gradually became the national symbol of a new generation of nationally and politically black people awareness in our country. Black Churches Each of these departures from Christianity, the Ethiopian and the Zionist, dates from the beginning of previous century. The foundation of Ethiopian churches was the less drastic, as they content to break the shackles of white dominance while retaining the form of organization, mode of worship and denominational identity of the parent body, for example African Methodist and African Congregational. Nonetheless, it stemmed directly from the practice of an undeclared apartheid where it was least expected, from an insistence on segregation and white superiority on the part of missionaries. These churches were African replicas of Christian denominations and were an explicit response to racial inequality. Reformation Day Witness In 1980 October 31, the Reformation Day Witness was published. It consisted eight eminent NG theologians. This publication dealt with , according to Pillay Hoymeyer(1994:296) the Churchs inabilities to fulfil the mission of reconciliation and to prevent polarisation and to provide the authorities with an unambiguous witness. The witness was publish during the period of rapid changes in South Africa where transition led to new social and political dispensation. The witness contributed in bringing the greater willingness and openness towards the continuing dialogue and it rose the prophetic voice of NG Church so loud and clear. In the same year in November, the appeared collections of essays entitled Stomkompas, which was composed by NG theologians which had their views. This Stomkompas had dominating the widely accepted traditional Afrikaner view on relations between people, which was biblically justified since the forties. Broederiking was also another group emerged from NG church. It was a group of young NG churches. They aimed at working towards greater unity among the NG churches at a local level, to render younger churches less financial dependency on the mother church and to give moral support to these churches. In 1982, Belhar announced a status of confessions on apartheid condemning it as a heresy.This was regarded as a protest by the church against a political dispensation as it proclaimed the threat brought by apartheid to the churchs creed. It during this time that the Churh in SA were arranged by committe of every theological society in SA. Tension rose between the government and certain churches in the 80s Kairos Document The Kairos Document (KD) is a statement within the background of theology issued in 1985 by a group of black South African theologians based predominantly in the black community of Soweto. The statement challenged the churches response to what the authors saw as the vicious policies of the Apartheid state under the state of emergency declared on 21 July 1985. In July 1985 the iron fist of the first state of emergency came down hard upon the people of South Africas townships. Many were killed, injured, maimed for life or locked up in detention. The KD evoked strong reactions and furious debates not only in South Africa, but world-wide. The KD was compiled in five chapters: The Moment of Truth; Critique of State Theology; Critique of Church Theology Towards a Prophetic Theology; Challenge to Action; and a short conclusion. The document was addressed to the divided churches; divided, that is, due to the roles that Christians within the churches play in the conflict between the racist minority government and the black majority population. The KD document contended against apartheid system using the comparison from the book of Romans, Revelation and even Acts; it presented this system as unjustly ad not lawful. In time where discord was in place, this document really served as a challenge to many ministers and church members of different churches to reflect once again where they stand. The period of 1990 onwards Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela has been in prison for over a quarter of a century since August 5, 1962 for leadership of his people in the struggle against racist oppression and for a non-racial democratic society. Prison bars could not prevent him from continuing to inspire his people to struggle and sacrifice for their liberation. Public opinion polls have again and again shown that he is the most popular leader in the country. He has, indeed, grown in stature. As the Commonwealth Eminent Persons Group observed in 1986, he has become a living legend, galvanising the resistance in the country. The London Times described him as the colossus of African nationalism in South Africa. It was in after the 1990 that there seem to be a break of segregation, and thank to all the church who participated in the struggle of this liberation. In 1994 was the beginning of new things for the nation of South Africa. Conclusion The story of the Christian Churches in South Africa, like the story of South African society in general is the story of many tribes, whose histories are on the one hand interwoven and interconnected and helps us not make the same mistake as the church of segregation, it help us to strive to a bridge gap to any discord, instead of being a wall standing in the gap for God to move in our country. With such richful history, we are collaped to higher height, even teaching the future theologian of way forward because eventually we had conquered APARTHED.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Shakespeares Hamlet Essay: Who is Gertrude? -- GCSE Coursework Shakes

Hamlet –Who is Gertrude?  Ã‚        Ã‚   This essay intends to explore Gertrude’s situation in the play in an attempt to answer many questions about her, the queen, wife of Claudius and former wife of his deceased brother, King Hamlet.    Back in 1883 Samuel Taylor Coleridge in Lectures and Notes on Shakspere and Other English Poets comments on what he interprets as a problem or inconsistency in the presentation of the character Gertrude in Shakespeare’s tragedy, Hamlet:      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Ham. A bloody deed;- almost as bad, good mother,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As kill a king, and marry with his brother.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Queen. As kill a king?    I confess that Shakspere has left the character of the Queen in an unpleasant perplexity. Was she, or was she not, conscious of the fratricide? (364-365)    Remember that the ghost does tell Hamlet not to prosecute the queen, but only Claudius. So she would seem to be innocent of the murder.    At the outset of the drama, Hamlet’s mother is apparently disturbed by her son’s appearance in solemn black at the gathering of the court, and she requests of him:      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Good Hamlet, cast thy nighted colour off,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And let thine eye look like a friend on Denmark.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Do not for ever with thy vailed lids   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Seek for thy noble father in the dust:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thou know'st 'tis common; all that lives must die,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Passing through nature to eternity. (1.2)    The queen obviously considers her son’s dejection to result from his father’s demise. She joins the king in asking Hamlet to stay in Elsinore rather than returning to Wittenberg. Respectfully the prince replies, â€Å"I shall in all my best obey you, madam.† So at the outset the audience notes a decidedly good relation... ...zine, 285:2011 (July 1898), 33-41. Rpt. in Women Reading Shakespeare 1660-1900. Eds Ann Thompson and Sasha Roberts. New York: Manchester University Press, 1997.    Burton, Philip. â€Å"Hamlet.† The Sole Voice. New York: The Dial Press, 1970. N. pag.    Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Lectures and Notes on Shakspere and Other English Poets. London : George Bell and Sons, 1904. p. 342-368.    Jorgensen, Paul A. â€Å"Hamlet.† William Shakespeare: the Tragedies. Boston: Twayne Publ., 1985. N. pag.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 1995. No line nos.         

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Catch Me If You Can Essay

In the beginning of the story Frank’s parents decide to get a divorce, resulting in Frank becoming emotionally distraught, he becomes a very lost and confused teenager looking to escape the feelings of sorrow Frank decides to run away for he can not choose which parent t olive with being so Young and innocent to the real World he figures the easiest way to make money is to scandal people and banks for his survival, this talent comes easy to frank. When frank runs away home which is brave itself because is so young, he starts to write checks from a checkbook that his father gave to him, he goes from making bad checks to making them and passing as an airplane pilot for Panamericana airlines, he even stole a beautiful black suitcase to work as a pilot, he always shows complete disregard for the law and believes that he will never get caught. Frank not only attempts this but he successfully does it for a quiet a while, when frank decides he doesn’t want to be an airplane pilot anymore he decides to want to be a doctor. He creates a fake degree and went to a big and famous hospital to ask for a job and there he meets Brenda a girl with nerd appearance and start dating her. One day when they were in the bed frank ask her to marry him and she with a happy faces said yes. Frank and Brenda travels to New Orleans to meet Brenda’s parents. When they were having dinner on beautiful and big house Brenda’s parents can tell that frank is faking everything and admires frank for his bravery and gave him his blessing to marry his daughter. And there is when Brenda’s parents’ offers frank a job at his law firm so frank went to an empty room where he starts to watch movies about laws and start studying to be able to work as a lawyer. Frank life was basically based in faking he beginning faking checks to make them and he also fake a panamericana pilot, a doctor, and a lawyer. He had a fake life and they did not have anyone on his life that was why he always called the police on December. Frank had too much money but he was not happy and he could not enjoy it because he was always trying to scope the police. Finally the movie teaches us that it does not matter to have enough money if we are not going to be able to find the happiness.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The eNotes Blog What Distinguishes Young Adult Fiction From AdultFiction

What Distinguishes Young Adult Fiction From AdultFiction As a genre, young adult (YA) fiction has blossomed in popularity within the last few decades. We might attribute part of this to John Green’s popular body of YA works, including The Fault in Our Stars, Looking for Alaska, and Paper Towns. Green’s novels, and their corresponding movie adaptations, are often name-dropped in discussions of why YA has suddenly become so much more popular and respected. But it’s worth noting that there is a long tradition of writing books that speak to the experiences of young adults (roughly twelve to eighteen years of age), from the works of Judy Blume and Laurie Halse Anderson to those of J. K. Rowling and Jenny Han. But what exactly is YA fiction? How is it different from its more grown-up counterpart? Is YA inherently â€Å"trashier† or less complex than â€Å"serious fiction? Ever since the genre got its own label, book lovers have been worried about these questions. These discussions have sparked some heated online essays and debates, ranging from defenses of YA to counterpoints stating â€Å"you should be embarrassed when what you’re reading was written for children.† It’s true that YA generally uses a simpler level of diction and syntax than adult fiction does. It’s also true that it usually features teenage protagonists and often takes place in a high-school setting (or a dystopian or magical equivalent). But these things don’t automatically make YA less complex than adult fiction- it’s just a different set of experiences and a different vocabulary. At the most basic level, YA’s distinguishing feature is that it typically centers on the experiences of young adults. But even this creates a tricky in-between category where we find works with teenage protagonists that generally aren’t considered YA, such as The Catcher in the Rye, Romeo and Juliet, and My Sister’s Keeper. Personally, I like the definition YA author David Levithan sent to The Atlantic: â€Å"The defining characteristic of YA literature is emotional truth. Even if we’re not the same as the characters we read, they are all dealing with things- issues of who they are, who they should be, what they should and shouldn’t do- that we all deal with, in their own ways.† Young adulthood is typically a stage of life where you’re figuring yourself out- your identity, beliefs and principles, interests and tastes- and experiencing a lot of shifts, like in your responsibilities and the myriad roles you play on a daily basis. So it makes sense that YA fiction seeks to address this. But it would be silly to pretend that this process stops when you turn eighteen and that adults aren’t going through this same process of self-definition. Maybe this is why consumers over eighteen make up over half of YA sales. I’ve just turned nineteen, and my birthday wasn’t marked with a ceremonial burning of all my John Green books. I didn’t go to the library and load up on all the Jules Verne and George Eliot in sight; in fact, I’m reading more YA than ever (probably because I got over my complex about only reading â€Å"classic† literature). In between my coursework for school, I’ve been enjoying books by Becky Albertalli, Kiersten White, and Angie Thomas. The Hate U Give was one of my favorite books last year- it changed my life and almost single-handedly broke me out of my reading rut. The fact is, no matter where you try to slice up the continuum of human existence- whether you use age eighteen as a marker of â€Å"maturity† or not- we are all complex beings with complex emotions. For this reason, fiction that is deemed â€Å"young adult† has the potential to resonate with anyone. Likewise, some young readers really enjoy and prefer â€Å"adult fiction. More than anything, these are marketing labels and don’t need to impact your personal choices. So many different genres have historically been decried as â€Å"less serious† than adult, realistic, non-romantic fiction (like fantasy, science fiction, romance, and now YA), but the fact is that so-called serious fiction is only one aspect of a diverse potential reading experience.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Psychology Diverse Nature

Psychology Diverse Nature Abstract This paper will focus on the diverse nature of psychology and some important concepts associated with this field of study. In a bid to understand the diverse nature of psychology, two subcategories and examples will be analyzed. In addition, the major subtopics such as cognitive and behavioral psychology will be examined. This study will also reflect on the application of the various subtopics identified to other societal disciplines.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Psychology Diverse Nature specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The sub-disciplines identified will be applied to personal speculative perspectives and lastly the contribution of psychology to areas of work, health, and education. This paper will focus on the diverse nature of psychology as a discipline, its categories, sub-categories, and sub-disciplines. Introduction Psychology is a science-related discipline that entails cognition, emotion, hu man motivation, and behavior (Plante, 2011). The genesis of psychology can be traced back to the times of ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Socrates, and thus it has a philosophical background. Psychology later developed into a scientific field of its own towards the end of the 19th Century following the creation of the first psychological laboratory by a German psychologist, Wilhelm Wundt. According to Plante (2011), psychology can be broken into several subcategories some being concerned with experimental psychology, which is psychological science, and others concerned with the relevance of that science to real world situations. With time, psychology has encountered many challenges and diversification in its application. This paper will focus on the diverse nature of psychology as a discipline, its categories, sub-categories, and sub-disciplines. Diversity and Major Concepts Psychology can be divided into several different major concepts. These concepts include clinical psychology, industrial and organizational psychology, biological psychology, and behavioral psychology among others. As noted, psychology is a wide field and as such, it is prudent to narrow down on the fundamental aspects of psychology, viz. behavioral, cognitive, and biological.Advertising Looking for term paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Behavioral psychology attempts to explain the reasoning that influences certain individual behaviors. The major concept of behaviorism falls under behavioral psychology. It can be approached from different perspectives, thus making it the most popular concept within psychology. An individual’s behavior can be informed by different factors including environmental, genetics, or personal experiences. Abada and Gillespie (2007) posit that family background has a huge impact on a person’s behavior because most children copy their parents and relatives ’ behaviors when growing up. The subtopics of behaviorism include aggression, cheating, and binge drinking. These characters define one’s behavior. Biological psychology explains the various differences in genetic traits. These aspects can include things like black hair from the paternal side, blue eyes from the maternal side, or even ears that resemble the aunt. Genes differ from one individual to the other (Hollenstein Crowell, 2014). For example, in a family setting, two children from the same parents can have different characters and traits as obtained from a relative within the family tree, thus bringing in aspects such as body weight and height. Cognitive psychology focuses on how people recognize and process information. A person’s neuropsychological setting influences this aspect (Kowaski Westen, 2011). It informs how an individual’s cognitive processes are formed coupled with trying to change behaviors that do not conform. The major concept of cognition falls under this cognitive psychology. The subtopics of cognition include cognitive dissonance and false memories. Subcategories within Psychology Psychology is a diverse field with different layers of sub-categories. These subcategories include child psychology and social psychology. Child psychology is the most diverse between the two because it covers all the major concepts in psychology. Social psychology is centered on behavioral aspects, but it provides a unique approach to the diversity of psychology. Child psychology examines the factors that affect a child’s mental and physical development during growth. This aspect includes childhood behavior. During development, children can be faced with problems that may need the intervention of a psychologist. Just like adults, children undergo phases of stress, depression, parenting problems, or peer pressure-related issues.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Psychology Diverse Nature speci fically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In a bid to ensure that they go back to normal behavior, a child psychologist is called upon to address the issue. The child psychologist can apply specific techniques such as family counseling or even putting the child under medication to arrest the situation. This aspect helps the children to develop normally from an early age by correcting them. According to the American Psychological Association (2013), social psychology is concerned with the effects of individuals to one another coupled with how they are affected by their social and environmental surroundings. The uniqueness of social psychology is that people have different cultures, skin colors, beliefs, shapes, and sizes. Social psychology explains the different choices that an individual makes when presented with such an opportunity, for example, when shopping in a supermarket and choosing among the different brands. Personal Theoretical Approach An appro ach is based on assumptions due to human behavior, the aspects of human behavior to be studied and the research methods and techniques to be used to study such behavior (McLeod, 2007). Therefore, an assumption is composed of different unique theories within an approach. The theoretical perspective applied here borrows from behavioral psychology. As discussed above, the behavioral theory is a category of psychology focused on an individual’s lessons from his/her environment. These lessons can be acquired through learning or reinforcement. The behavioral theory is based on two foundations, viz. classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning can influence the way people respond to emotions. In classical conditioning, an individual responds to stimuli and learns this response by being constantly associated with it. The development of operant conditioning is attributed to Skinner. In this form of conditioning, the behavior of a person is explained by his o r her motives. Every individual has a reason behind why he or she does something. The reasons behind it may be driven by the need to seek attention, acquire something, or even cause pain and suffering to another individual.Advertising Looking for term paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Therefore, in a bid to motivate the behavior of such a person, punishment, positive reinforcement, and negative reinforcement are applied. However, every individual has the free will to make individual choices, and as such, behavior is not necessarily due to conditioning, but individual choices. Conclusion Psychology is a diverse field with different concepts and subsections. Research is continuing to try to understand human behavior. As such, psychology will continue to evolve, thus bringing forth more strengths and weaknesses. Moving forward, the application of theoretical perspectives will be needed to understand the diversity of certain human behaviors that continue changing with time. Behavioral psychology can be used to rehabilitate juveniles doing probation work. Using operant conditioning with positive and negative reinforcements, the offender can be put on a gradual recovery process. This task may be executed by encouraging him/her to adopt a positive attitude and thinking. If that fails, the last resort would be the application of punitive measures. However, punishment should not be adopted as a first approach since it can hinder the overall rehabilitation process and push the offender to worse crimes. References Abada, T., Gillespie, M. (2007). Family diversity and childrens behavioral outcomes in Canada: From structure to process. Sociological Focus, 40(4), 413-435. American Psychological Association: Society for personality and social psychology. (2014). Retrieved from Hollenstein, T Crowell, S 2014, Whither Concordance? Autonomic Psychophysiology and the Behaviors and Cognitions of Emotional Responsivity. Biological Psychology, 98, 1-94. Kowaski, R., Westen, D. (2011). Psychology (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. McLeod, S. (2007). Psychology perspectives. Retrieved from Plante, T. (2011). Contemporary Clinical Psychology (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons, Inc.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The eNotes Blog Celebrate Limerick Day Learn About EdwardLear

Celebrate Limerick Day Learn About EdwardLear There once was a man named Lear Who wrote poems  that pleased the ear, He lived long ago, But his name we do know, Because his work still brings us great cheer! –Kate Gawlowski Why do we love limericks? It might be  the light language, the funny words, and the clever rhymes, all nicely pieced together with a happy bit of nonsense. But limerick-lovers  today may not be immediately familiar with Edward Lear- though he is the man who championed the limerick over 150 years ago. (Believe it or not, there was a time before the creation of limericks, and it must have been a dark time at that.) May 12th would be Lears 204th birthday, and each year in honor of this author/artist, this day is known as Limerick Day. To help you celebrate, we encourage you to read on and learn a bit about this mans life (and maybe write a limerick or two- theyre oddly satisfying to compose since they dont really have to make any sense whatsoever). So without further ado, here are seven  things you didnt know about Edward Lear (prepare for a rather heart-wrenching list). He had a really big family- really, really big When you think of really big families, maybe you think of that family from the now-canceled TLC show  19 Kids and Counting. Well, okay, yes, that is a big family, but the Lear family had them beat, boasting a whopping  TWENTY. ONE.  Children.  Our favorite Lear, Edward, was the twentieth and second-youngest. Unsurprisingly, particularly during the 19th century, the family budget was stretched a little tight, and as a result, Edward and a couple other little sibs were sent away to live with their oldest sister, Ann (twenty-one years Edwards  senior). Ann and Edward formed a tight bond, staying closely in touch until Anns death at the age of seventy-one. He wasnt the healthiest Again, health troubles arent  a particularly surprising phenomenon when discussing the 19th century, but Lear had it particularly tough. By the time he reached age five, Lear was already a diagnosed asthmatic with a severe and ongoing case of bronchitis. Not long into his fifth year of life, Lear began to suffer from grand mal seizures, and continued to suffer from epilepsy for the remainder of his life. Lear was horribly embarrassed by his condition (though it was hardly uncommon in these days), and throughout his life learned how to identify the onset of a seizure, which he referred to as his demons, so as to take himself away from the company of others. He wasnt the happiest There are many reasons that we can speculate on as to why Lear was unhappy, ranging from his illnesses, his partial blindness, and his separation from his parents at a young age, but cryptic entries in a childhood journal lend us the suspicion that as a young boy, Lear was subjected to sexual abuse from an older cousin. Whatever the trigger, Edward suffered from chronic depression for the vast majority of his life (from childhood till death), in addition to his other health woes. Yes, this post is *mildly* sad. He initially made a name for himself as an illustrator More specifically as an ornithological illustrator- in other words, Lear was a fantastic bird painter. By the age of twenty, Lear was commissioned by Lord Stanley (later known as the thirteenth earl of Derby) to draw the birds of the eventual earls aviary. Over time, the artist became friendly with his hosts children and entertained them with silly sketches and the nonsensical poems that people would one day know and love as limericks. After a period of rapidly declining health, the earl sent Lear to a warmer climate to recuperate, and the man spent time traveling the Mediterranean. While perusing southern Europe, he spent the majority of his days sketching and painting the sites, and spent his leisure time reading and studying; by the end of his life, Lear had gained proficiency in no fewer than half a dozen languages. It is speculated that in addition to the interest he had in other cultures, this manic delving into study gave him peace of mind and a reprieve from the demons that haunted him. He had the travel bug From the moment the earl sent him southward, England ceased to be Lears home, at least in his heart. After almost immediately falling love with Italy, Lear apparently became restless and refused to stay in one place for long, preferring to travel to as many places as he could. Of course, he was not a particularly wealthy man, making only modest sums from his artwork (and at this juncture, nothing from his writing) and therefore he instead relied on the patronage of wealthier friends. When asked about his incessant traveling, Lear insisted that the influx of new sights spurred his creativity and allowed for more variability in his art and writing. Beyond that, it is inferred from journal entries, as well as the work he created in this time, that the gentleman legitimately enjoyed his travels and the escape they gave him from the isolating loneliness and depression he felt on a daily basis. He never married, for a number of reasons Lear never believed himself to be a popular man. Even as a child he suffered from a severe lack of self-esteem, considering himself too ugly and sickly to even deserve making true friends. As a result, the artist tried his hardest to become thoroughly independent, but his internal need for companionship kept him reaching out to friends, frequently writing as many as thirty letters before breakfast.* There are a number of reasons we can draw upon as to why Lear never married and started a family. The first and perhaps most obvious was his previously discussed, warped self-image, but there is also the distinct possibility that Lear preferred the company of men. Many journal entries indicate a physical and emotional attraction to other men, none more obvious than the intimacy between Lear and his  friend Franklin Lushington- though his feelings were not reciprocated in spite of their friendship. *The truly ironic and sad part of this lack of self-esteem is that in reality, his friends adored him, often wondering why such a sweet and charming man never settled down to marry. His work wasnt realllllllly appreciated in his time This can unfortunately be said about a great number of artists (though not Picasso, the lucky duck- people were enthralled by his work pretty much from the moment he started painting). Part of Lears lack of fame and fortune can certainly be attributed to the fact that he never really sought out recognition for his work, instead accepting low sums for his truly talented work  and initially creating his limericks for free,  though later in his life he bound many of them into books and had them published. That being said, like so many artists, his genius wasnt truly appreciated until he was gone and no more of his work could be created. Lear died alone  at age 76. He  was mourned by his many friends and, eventually, by his many fans.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Recommendation and rationale the idea of building prisons Research Paper

Recommendation and rationale the idea of building prisons - Research Paper Example The ability of other methods to yield greater benefits to the entire state, as opposed to imprisonment justifies the position of not building more prisons. Adopting techniques, which reduce crime from an early age of an individual’s life, for example, benefits the society in a number of ways, which necessitates that legislators concentrate their efforts on establishing such mechanisms. Quality early childhood education for all, for example, allows children to access education at a tender age. Subsequent access to such education allows the children to concentrate on building their professions, thus shifting their minds from criminal activities. On the other hand, children who do not access education at an early age get the opportunity to interact with criminals in their neighborhoods, thus increasing their possibility of engaging in crime. As the â€Å"economic opportunity institute† reports, 70 percent of the children who do not access quality early childhood education pose a higher probability of being arrested for a criminal activity by the time they reach 18 years, compared to those who access quality early childhood education. More to this, leaving out at-risk children from early childhood education multiplies their risk of becoming chronic lawbreakers by five times. This means that building more prisons does not serve to reduce crime. Instead, handling the root of the problem can bear better fruits, and give benefit the community a better return on investments made.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Mr Cod Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Mr Cod - Essay Example The company manages its operations through specialised American machinery to international standards, but with a difference. Mr Cod has its roots firmly targeting British sentiments and maintains a high quality that is synonymous of its service. Mr Cod's special Fish and Chips and other famous chicken products are, in the opinion of its staunch supporters and existing franchisees, superior to any multinational competitor. Mr Cod is the brainchild of Mr John Brewer, a pioneer of fast food franchising in the UK, and a former director of Kentucky Fried Chicken. He became a founder member of the British Franchise Association in 1977, and a founder member of the British Fast Food Federation in 1978 (Mr. Cod, Mr. Cod Background and History, The fast-food industry has seen a remarkable upward trend in recent years in the UK. It was estimated that this business industry, which, if coffee shops were included, was valued at around 10.78bn, in 2005, an increase of 4% to the corresponding period the previous year. It's quite easy to predict the cause for this growth pattern. With globalisation come opportunities. Its not just here in the UK or in Europe, but the world itself is becoming one big union. China was the first to break the communist jinx and follow a path to liberalisation and open market. This opened the floodgates and multinational companies took advantage of the benefits of cheap labour and raw materials to establish and expand their market presence there. It didn't take long for other Asian countries to recognise the benefit of liberalisation. Soon others joined the bandwagon to economic freedom and FDI. Perhaps one might wonder what this has got to do with the fast food industry. Time! Just about everyone competes with the other for space. Fast-paced and time restrained, the people who make things happen, have just no time to share the table with their colleagues and family. Gone are the days when families got together on weekends over a barbeque and had fun. Today, the world is fast-paced. Only those who have the inclination and dedication for fast-paced life, survive. Breakfasts during transit, business meetings over lunch, and late dinner are a part of an executive's life. Liberalisation and globalisation has brought countries closer to each other. With more and more conglomerates setting up their business in other countries, competition has become stiff. Time is money and people just don't seem to have the time to sit over a cup of coffee with a paper in their hand. This phenomenon has created opportunities for hoteliers and other like-minded entrepreneurs as well. Fast food for the fast-paced! Just about every corner of the street is occupied by a burger or hot dog vendor making a decent income by sunset. Welcome to the world of fast foods. This tradition has caught the imagination of almost all people

Freud Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Freud - Essay Example It is worthy, first, to understand the need for civilization and its importance in qualitative measures and quantitative measures. Civilizations were established to improve modes of relationships among human beings. This was because, in the prehistoric times, an action of an individual was guided more by his instincts and wishes. Apart from that, civilization was meant to improve material prosperity of individuals. This was obtainable through improvement of science and technology, which in turn increased their economic productivity. Freud argues that the objective of such changes was due to the inherent human trait of search for happiness. The search for happiness is achieved by what he describes as utility and yields of pleasure (Freud 41). However, he states that such an effort is always a futility, as an increase in happiness is never achieved. Civilization is thus not responsible for human happiness. Friedman’s main argument primarily focuses in religion. He describes religion as an imposed delusional feeling that seeks to detach individuals from reality. This feeling, however, cannot be depicted scientifically. It operates in the idea that suffering of the human community can only be alleviated by a trust to an external source of help. In trying to achieve this, individuals escape the reality of their lives. The problem of religion in this case is that it imposes only one way of attainment of happiness. In reality, ways of attaining satisfaction should be many and, thus, the individual is tied to his misery if that one way fails (Freud 32). Second, Friedman also discusses art as a source of unhappiness among individuals. Art’s affectivity relies on the imagination of creative people who release their pieces of work for consumption by these individuals. Through art, individuals try to master reality by creating images of how it

Resistance to Civil Government by Henry David Thoreau Research Paper

Resistance to Civil Government by Henry David Thoreau - Research Paper Example In this case, the society is responsible for choosing the leaders. The leaders have a responsibility to ensure the people are protected at all times. In this case, the government should only engage in activities that are to the interest of the people and not otherwise. In the case, the government is not doing what it ought to do, the society has the right to disobey the government and even oust that particular government and elect leaders they believe would look after their interests. Thoreau is one of the people who were not afraid to do civil disobedience. He refused to pay taxes to the government because it was involved in activities that do not support the principles of a good government. The American government-supported slavery and was also involved in war with Mexico because of Texas. In Thoreau’s view, the American government was on the wrong. He questioned whether governments really do what they ought to do with the taxes they raise. Do they finance the good or the ba d? Supporting oppressing activities like slavery indicated to Thoreau that the American government was probably not doing the right thing and was not using the money well (Thoreau 25). According to him, taxes should not be paid to the national government if they have to be paid. Instead, they should be paid to the local community that would be responsible for the improvement of the infrastructure and amenities in the local region. Thoreau also states that the government should be keen to listen to the people it rules. In the case, issues are raised, the government should communicate back and address the issues raised. Thoreau claimed that there were many people against slavery and Mexican war yet the government did nothing. If the American government was really concerned about Americans and operated as per the philosophy, then it should have listened to the people and stopped slavery and the Mexican War (Thoreau 29). Thoreau was categorical that people should be very careful with th eir perspectives on the government. He argues that supporting government is a good thing but should only be supported if it democratic and just. On the other hand, supporting a government that is not just or good is in fact, committing a crime. According to Thoreau, unjust government is known to commit many criminals’ activities like slavery in the United States and Mexican war or oppressing the minorities. People supporting unjust government are also involved in criminal activities indirectly. This can make a person to have a heavy burden on the wrong doings and injustices the government does. Thoreau stated that he could not recognize his government which he termed as slave government as it perpetrated slavery. He is categorical that supporting a government does not necessary mean proclaiming allegiance to the government. Rather, it involves supporting the government through taxes. Thoreau questioned whether the government really uses the money for a good course using the M exican war as an example. Money was spent in the war and it was from the taxes the good citizens of the country had paid. Not supporting the government would be to stop paying taxes, which would otherwise be used for the wrong reasons. Soldiers and other people, that are the machinery to execute the unjust activities, should refuse to work for the government (Thoreau 57). While this has not happened in many countries, some governments have worked to ensure that the interests of the people are addressed accordingly. On the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

What is the impact of culture on your professional practice Healthcare Essay

What is the impact of culture on your professional practice Healthcare - Essay Example One of the most significant factors that shape these features is the cultural differences. The culture a person has and embraces is usually shaped by their descent or origin. This unique feature makes them fit to be described descendants of a particular culture. A culture may be defined as a unique way of living embraced by a specific group of people. In some cases the culture is greatly associated with race. A race is defined as a group of people who share the same origin or come from a particular geographical location. Culture is also closely associated with ethnicity which is an association to a particular ethnic group based on cultural similarities. In the modern society circles, different cultures have migrated across the globe which creates cultural diversification in many societies. Cultural diversity refers to the incorporation of more than one culture in one society. The many cultures caused people to learn how to respect and incorporate other cultures in their societies. Th e medical decisions arrived at in an institution should be done with respect to the collaborative of the client or his significant other. The greater significance in culture diversities is the fact that organization and institution have to learn how to relate to the diversified society in terms of culture. McEwing & Richardson public institution have embraced organizational cultures that tend to cater for the different cultures that are present in the society.... tution to ensure that it incorporates tools that will be able to serve the society regardless of the culture diversification trend (Leninger, 2002; 98). Different cultures hold onto diversified health care beliefs. For instance Cambodians believe illnesses have spiritual causes (Dayer-Berenson, 2010; 225). Some cultures do not embrace the administering of the modern medicine. In some cases, some cultures require their own to cater to their medical needs. In an argument by Leninger & McFarland (2002; 111), one significant medical issue cultures disagree is on medical euthanasia. In most cultures that sacredly embrace religion, medical euthanasia is one service that can never be embraced (Nursing & Midwifery Council, 2008; 76). In reflecting on my own social and cultural background, my cultural setting does not embrace complicated healthcare beliefs. In my cultural setting, the versatility of our cultural beliefs does not have special recommendation from health care practitioners. Howe ver, specific persons hold specific beliefs that differ from the rest of the group. For instance, a person may hold on onto the belief that they cannot be attended by a practitioner of the opposite sex. In such a scenario, the healthcare institution should be able to respect that decision. Importance of culturally appropriate healthcare Cultural appropriateness is a compulsory requirement in healthcare institutions. In an argument by Holland & Hogg (2010; 154) considering the fact that immigration has become a significant activity across the globe, healthcare organizations must have necessary tools to ensure all cultural requirements are effectively addressed. One importance of this trend in health care institution is the promotion of social harmonious living. If every person in the society

Development Of Performance Management Systems Case Study - 3

Development Of Performance Management Systems - Case Study Example Such definition and discussion are done below. The interest of students is in the fact that there has been a previous system. Students are therefore in an excellent position to make known the impact that the first system had on their education and their expectations for this new system Software developers are going to serve as the contractors for the software development. They will, therefore, feed beneficiaries and contract givers with information on the timeline, planning, implementation and running of the system A quality assurance team is needed to access the quality and reliability of the system to be designed. Without such as team, the schools cannot be assured that the end result will be any better than what existed before. The overall training goal is to get all employees to support the new system to be developed. This goal is broad and can only if a series of specific objectives are achieved. To this end, the following specific objectives are set for the training program 6. As noted by Stockley (2012), â€Å"A good performance management system has an employee development focus.† This means that it is the objective of the training to brainstorm employees on how their output of work can be developed through the system. A questionnaire that focuses on the impact of the training program to all stakeholders shall be developed. Through the questionnaire, the facilitator will be in a position to sample views of stakeholders on the program. Through responses to be sampled, it will be possible to tell whether or not the objectives were achieved. To make data analysis easy for discussion, both qualitative and quantitative data analysis procedures shall be used for the data collection plan. To this end, two major data collection instruments shall be designed. These are questionnaire and interview.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Resistance to Civil Government by Henry David Thoreau Research Paper

Resistance to Civil Government by Henry David Thoreau - Research Paper Example In this case, the society is responsible for choosing the leaders. The leaders have a responsibility to ensure the people are protected at all times. In this case, the government should only engage in activities that are to the interest of the people and not otherwise. In the case, the government is not doing what it ought to do, the society has the right to disobey the government and even oust that particular government and elect leaders they believe would look after their interests. Thoreau is one of the people who were not afraid to do civil disobedience. He refused to pay taxes to the government because it was involved in activities that do not support the principles of a good government. The American government-supported slavery and was also involved in war with Mexico because of Texas. In Thoreau’s view, the American government was on the wrong. He questioned whether governments really do what they ought to do with the taxes they raise. Do they finance the good or the ba d? Supporting oppressing activities like slavery indicated to Thoreau that the American government was probably not doing the right thing and was not using the money well (Thoreau 25). According to him, taxes should not be paid to the national government if they have to be paid. Instead, they should be paid to the local community that would be responsible for the improvement of the infrastructure and amenities in the local region. Thoreau also states that the government should be keen to listen to the people it rules. In the case, issues are raised, the government should communicate back and address the issues raised. Thoreau claimed that there were many people against slavery and Mexican war yet the government did nothing. If the American government was really concerned about Americans and operated as per the philosophy, then it should have listened to the people and stopped slavery and the Mexican War (Thoreau 29). Thoreau was categorical that people should be very careful with th eir perspectives on the government. He argues that supporting government is a good thing but should only be supported if it democratic and just. On the other hand, supporting a government that is not just or good is in fact, committing a crime. According to Thoreau, unjust government is known to commit many criminals’ activities like slavery in the United States and Mexican war or oppressing the minorities. People supporting unjust government are also involved in criminal activities indirectly. This can make a person to have a heavy burden on the wrong doings and injustices the government does. Thoreau stated that he could not recognize his government which he termed as slave government as it perpetrated slavery. He is categorical that supporting a government does not necessary mean proclaiming allegiance to the government. Rather, it involves supporting the government through taxes. Thoreau questioned whether the government really uses the money for a good course using the M exican war as an example. Money was spent in the war and it was from the taxes the good citizens of the country had paid. Not supporting the government would be to stop paying taxes, which would otherwise be used for the wrong reasons. Soldiers and other people, that are the machinery to execute the unjust activities, should refuse to work for the government (Thoreau 57). While this has not happened in many countries, some governments have worked to ensure that the interests of the people are addressed accordingly. On the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Development Of Performance Management Systems Case Study - 3

Development Of Performance Management Systems - Case Study Example Such definition and discussion are done below. The interest of students is in the fact that there has been a previous system. Students are therefore in an excellent position to make known the impact that the first system had on their education and their expectations for this new system Software developers are going to serve as the contractors for the software development. They will, therefore, feed beneficiaries and contract givers with information on the timeline, planning, implementation and running of the system A quality assurance team is needed to access the quality and reliability of the system to be designed. Without such as team, the schools cannot be assured that the end result will be any better than what existed before. The overall training goal is to get all employees to support the new system to be developed. This goal is broad and can only if a series of specific objectives are achieved. To this end, the following specific objectives are set for the training program 6. As noted by Stockley (2012), â€Å"A good performance management system has an employee development focus.† This means that it is the objective of the training to brainstorm employees on how their output of work can be developed through the system. A questionnaire that focuses on the impact of the training program to all stakeholders shall be developed. Through the questionnaire, the facilitator will be in a position to sample views of stakeholders on the program. Through responses to be sampled, it will be possible to tell whether or not the objectives were achieved. To make data analysis easy for discussion, both qualitative and quantitative data analysis procedures shall be used for the data collection plan. To this end, two major data collection instruments shall be designed. These are questionnaire and interview.

Debate over the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 Essay Example for Free

Debate over the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 Essay Once they arrived a French spokesman demanded 32 million florins and 250,000 for talking to Talleyrand. This did not include any promise of a resolution. Furious, the American delegates left. Once they got back to America, the rest of the nation was ready for war. That undeclared war was mainly fought on the seas for two and a half years. President Adams Alien and Sedition Acts were proposed to punish the French but also to ruin the Republican Party. Adams knew that immigrants made up the Republican Party in large part from France, England and Ireland. By halting the immigration of those people, Adams could slowing get rid of Jeffersons Party. The debates for these acts were between the Federalists and the Republicans. Along with needing these immigrants to support their party, Republicans found these acts wrong. As Thomas Jefferson once said, l am not a Federalist, because I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else where I was capable of thinking for myself. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent. On the other said, the Federalists felt that they should not feel bad for France even if it is morally wrong. Alexander Hamilton said, The man who shall be the apologist of France, and [who attacks] his own government, is not an American. The choice for him lies between being deemed a fool, a madman, or a traitor. The new American position on immigration violated its policy of friendly adaptation to immigrants. Due to the Alien Act and the Alien Enemies Act immigrants were afraid to live in America fearing deportation or imprisonment. The Alien Act gave the President power to deport all such aliens as he shall Judge dangerous to the peace and safety of the Untied States. The Alien Enemies Act allowed the restraint and removal in time of war or resident adult aliens of the hostile nation. The Sedition Act caused the most uproar among Americans. It infringed upon two freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. The freedoms, both included in the first amendment, were freedom of speech and freedom of press. The law said that anyone who spoke out against any government officials, including the president, would be imprisoned and fined. The act Jailed a number of Democratic Republican editors, publishers and politicians. Politicians looked to use the Acts to rid themselves nd the country ot political threats and those who expressed contrary views. Ultimately this was seen as a threat to freedom that Americans had fought so hard to win. Thomas Jefferson was afraid that if they were able to remove freedom of speech and freedom of press, they would eventually take away other constitutional promises. Jefferson could not openly protest these acts because he feared prosecution. He secretly created resolutions, which Kentucky approved in 1789 and 1799. History viewed these Acts to be the biggest blunder of Adams presidency and could have overshadowed what was considered a highly effective tenure.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Importance of Communication Skills

Importance of Communication Skills I feel a deep sense of gratitude for this rare opportunity to address the concept of the importance of communication to such a respectable body of students[1]. I may be politically incorrect but as part of the Information Age generation, I try incredibly hard to convince myself that despite the lack of appreciation of the significance of communication, it is the most powerful tool one can have. To say the least, communication is complex. While it may be regarded as a personal expression of oneself, it is an exchange of communication, a method of coordination, an agent of social change and a process of development. At the same time, communication is a potentially devastating weapon. Beyond these banal clichà ©s, what I need to call attention to is the unrecognised power of communication. We take communication for granted, just as we take our eyes, our power of vision, for granted[2]. I take the perspective that communication is a powerful instrument applied in unlimited ways, and which makes up one of the principal forces that control and form human behaviour[3]. To explain the significance of communication is like to explain the significance breathing. If communication means interchange and interchange is a central aspect of human existence then no human can survive without interchange. The ability to communicate is therefore central to how we relate, what we are, how we live and how we learn[4]. To provide credence for my argument, I will take you through the four themes to show that communication is indeed important to us, as students and future professionals[5]. First, we will explore the importance of communication in development of a person. Second, we will consider the impact of communication in improving the impact of education in advancing societal interests. And finally, we will examine the importance of education to career and business advancement. First, communication is crucial for the development of a person. Researchers and educators have pointed out to the importance of communication in self-development. To this end, I must quote Morreale, Osborn and Pearson (2000) who stated that communication should in itself be viewed as general education since it improves personal skills and abilities such as critical thinking, leadership and management skills, social skills and media literacy. While we, as students, recognise the importance of communication education, we underestimate the importance of having communication skills. To this end, the significance of the ability to communicate effectively cannot be downplayed. In my view, the communication discipline should be regarded as central to student successes (Prinsen Punyanunt-Carter, 2009). I suggest that we should equate communication to feeling comfortable with people’s perceptions of us, using language effectively, reasoning with people and feeling confident about our selves[6]. Second, communication ensures effective education delivery. It checks that classroom instruction is improved and is central to effective collaboration within the entire education enterprise. To this end, communication skills are vital for the teachers, school administrators and librarians[7]. Effective communication is a prerequisite to students’ personal, academic and professional accomplishments. In fact, most of the instructions are delivered to use through oral communication. I must make reference to Morreale, Osborn and Pearson (2000) study that explored the importance of non-verbal communication within the context of education. The study found that majority of messages exchanged within a classroom setting originated from nonverbal communication. I take this angle to argue that by consciously controlling our individual nonverbal expressions, we can be able to maintain positive relationships with our audiences within the classroom setting[8]. Third, communication is essential for continuation of the society and for cross-cultural interaction. Through effective communication, we develop the proficiency to speak and interact with people from different cultures. Effective communication also enables us to take part in public life. It also enables us to gain an understanding of people from different cultures[9]. The importance of education within this context has been extensively investigated. A landmark study by Morreale, Osborn and Pearson (2000) made an insightful critical review of the importance of communication media in the society and found that communication greatly influences the direction that democracy takes in a country[10]. I anchor my argument on this study to assert that a society that has an interplay of many forces, such as; apathy, volatility, sense of vulnerability and extreme hostility, people tend to undermine the political stability of a nation, media organisations are therefore at the centre stage of res toring sobriety and order. Taking a different perspective, developing the ability to communicate effectively qualifies us to take part in public life. Like investigated by Morreale, Osborn and Pearson (2000), there is a correlation between effective oral communication through public speaking and civic responsibility. Hence, effective communication plays a critical role in qualifying one to participate in public life. As students, we should learn to appreciate effective reading and writing as a pathway for growing into citizens who can express themselves effectively and participate in public life, as great speakers. Think about all the greatest speakers and the extent to which they have moved crowds with their eloquence. Historically, public speaking was the primary medium for engaging in public affairs at the dawn of democracy in ancient Athens. It is still the primary means for taking part in public life. Fourth, effective communication is essential for career success as well as effective business operation. Take for example; most job interviews base their selections on how effective a candidate communicates. On the other hand[11], the candidate will rely on their communication skills to convince their employers that they are fit for a position. This perspective has been explored by several researchers[12]. According to Bardwell (1995), having effective written and verbal communication skills can help students to get a desirable employment. Essentially therefore, communication skills are crucial for career development. Far from this, the power of communication skills has also not been neglected in various career fields such as engineering, banking, sales and marketing, public relations, information science and politics. All these fields need effective communicators, either through the written or spoken word. Think of the accounting field for example. It consists of systematic communic ation of quantitative information on a company’s finances. Businesses also depend on communication to advertise their product, where the most effective communicator wins most customers[13]. To conclude, we should come [14]to a common understanding that communication is a powerful instrument applied in unlimited ways, and which makes up one of the principal forces that control and form human behaviour. It helps in human development, it improves the impact of education in advancing societal interests and lastly, it promotes career and business advancement. References Bardwell, C. B. (1997). Standing out in the crowd. Black Collegian, 28, 71-79. Bjerregaard, M. Compton, E. (2011). Public Speaking Handbook: Suppliment to Public Speaking. Retrieved: Littlejohn, S. Foss, K. (2009). Encyclopedia of Communication Theory. London: Sage Morreale, S., Osborn, M. Pearson, J. (2000). Why Communication is Important: A Rationale for the Centrality of the Study of Communication. Journal of the Association for Communication Administration 29, 1-25 Prinsen, T., Punyanunt-Carter, N. (2009). The difference in nonverbal behaviors and how it changes in different stages of a relationship. Texas Speech Communication Journal, 34, 1-7. Watt, S. Barnett, J. (2013). persuasive speaking. Retrieved: Files/persuasion web 1.pdf> [1] Attention step: gain attention and interest of audience: Personal greeting (Watt Barnett, 2013; Bjerregaard Compton, 2011). [2] Attention step: gain attention and interest of audience: illustration (Watt Barnett, 2013; Bjerregaard Compton, 2011). [3] Agenda-setting theory: stunningly telling the audience of what to think about, hence influences perception (LittleJohn Foss, 2009) [4] Need step: show the reason for the problem: connecting audience to problem (Watt Barnett, 2013; Bjerregaard Compton, 2011). [5] Need Step: Describe the problem: Show ramifications (Watt Barnett, 2013) [6] Need step: show the reason for the problem: connecting audience to problem (Watt Barnett, 2013; Bjerregaard Compton, 2011). [7] Satisfaction step: offer solutions for needs described in the need step: Explanation (Watt Barnett, 2013) [8] Satisfaction step: offer solutions for needs described in the need step: Show evidence, theoretical demonstration, practical experience (Watt Barnett, 2013) [9] communicators accommodate different cultural practices in cross cultural situations to relate to audience (LittleJohn Foss, 2009) [10] Satisfaction step: offer solutions for needs described in the need step: Show evidence, theoretical demonstration, practical experience (Watt Barnett, 2013) [11] Visualisation step: To help audience visualise results: contrast to compare contrast (Bjerregaard Compton, 2011). [12] Satisfaction step: offer solutions for needs described in the need step: Show evidence, theoretical demonstration, practical experience (Watt Barnett, 2013) [13] Symbolic interaction: the human mind is influenced by constructing things he can identify with (LittleJohn Foss, 2009) [14] Action Step: motivate the audience to act: Illustration (Bjerregaard Compton, 2011).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Autism in Children Essay -- Disease/Disorders

Autism according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary is defined as â€Å"a variable developmental disorder that appears by age three and is characterized by impairment of the ability to form normal social relationships, to commutate with others, and by stereotyped behavior patterns.† Autism was believed to be a psychiatric or emotional illness, and doctors told mothers that they were the cause. They were wrong. The cause for autism is still a mystery, however, the facts remain that autism in children is on the rise. Erin Allday of the San Francisco Chronicle writes, â€Å"Environmental factors play a more important role in causing autism than previously assumed and, surprisingly, an even larger role than genetic.† There are theories based on that vaccines are at least a contributing factor, especially the MMR vaccine (WebMD). Medical diagnosis of autism is identified, on what is referred to as the Autistic Spectrum. A mild form of the condition include Asperger's syndro me. The effect of autism varies by the severity in symptoms, social skills and behavior. A diversity of symptoms can be associated with autism and will vary with each child. Autism seems to affect boys more than girls. The first signs of autism are shown within the first three years of life. As an infant, parents will notice that the child is distant and does not respond appropriately to their surroundings. Children with autism have a limited range of interests as activities and they have a very low tolerance for change in their environment or daily routine. They are dependent on everyday routines, and may have tantrums if things are out of place. They can be hyperactive, moving from place to place with no apparent purpose. Autistic children can become attached to a... ...n Francisco Chronicle 4 July 2011, San Francisco. Web. 8 July 2011. . "Autism." Merriam-Webster Dictionary. 11th ed. 2011. Web. 6 July 2011. . Autism Types, Signs, Therapies, Causes. Ed. Hirsch, David MD. WebMD, 3 Sept. 2009. Web. 4 July 2011. . McKinnon, K, and J Krempa. Social Skills Solutions. New York: DRL, 2002. 7-9. Print. Related Conditions. Autism-Society, 25 Jan. 2008. Web. 5 July 2011. . Scanion, Anna. "Adaptive Behavior Modification for Autistic Children." Connect Ed. Walden University, 2010. Web. 11 July 2011. .

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Cemetary and Loss in Faulkner’s The Sound and Fury Essay -- Faulkn

The Cemetary and Loss in Faulkner’s The Sound and Fury On the sixth page of the novel The Sound and The Fury, Caroline Compson informs her son Jason that she and her other son Benjy are "going to the cemetery." The sense of loss that runs through much of Faulkner's work, especially The Sound and The Fury, can be found in the quiet, black-and-white world of the dead. In a cemetery one is reminded of lives lost and lost lives. Faulkner honors both in his novel. The story reveals a multilayered cacophony of loss. The trees and the grave stones in the Laurel Grove cemetery have been around for a long time. So has the Compson family. Yet, I get the impression reading The Sound and The Fury that time is running out for Faulkner's fictional dysfunctional family. By the end of the story the...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Botany-Passive Transport Answers Essay

Substances necessary for normal growth and development of plants must continually be transported into cells while metabolic wastes must be eliminated so that they won’t accumulate inside the cells. For instance, water as well as mineral salts from the soil solution enter root cells while carbon dioxide and oxygen through tiny pores known as stomata in leaves and lenticels in stem. Excess oxygen not utilized during cell respiration as well as oxygen produced during photosynthesis is released to the atmosphere. In most cases, movement of these substances is along a concentration gradient, that is, from regions of greater concentration to regions of less concentration. Such type of transport is known as passive transport. Diffusion is a type of transport which is concerned with the movement of solute particles. Aside from concentration gradient, factors affecting the rate of diffusion include the temperature, size of diffusing molecules and presence of other molecules aside from the diffusing one. Osmosis, on the other hand, is another type of passive transport, which is involved in the movement of solvent (e.g. water) through a semi-permeable membrane. In osmosis, the presence of a differentially permeable membrane as well as differences in the concentration of the medium and the intracellular substance (i.e. cell sap) are factors to consider in determining the direction of water flow. (madel, dito gawa k ng visuals na puede,.. kung aong maisip mo di ko nga alam kung ano puede ndin ilgay †¦. Ano kaya gagamitin ntin? Naka-acetate oh sa manila paper kaw n bhala..;) Now the walls of these cells are made of a stuff a bit like a really fine netting that will let water through but not salt (a partially permiable membrane). Now water and salt prefer being mixed together than seperated, and water will move through the cell wall towards whichever side is the saltiest, this is called osmosis. This means that because outside is saltier the water leaves the cells, so the cells empty, and like a half full bag of water, go all floppy so the whole lettuce leaf goes floppy Now if you put the leaf in fresh water there are more salts in the leaf than in the water, so water will move back into the cells making them blow up like balloons again and become all strong and rigid. So if you have some old limp Lettuce soaking it in water for a while for a while will make it go crisp again. -The leaf in the salt water would be dehydrated, as its internal osmotic pressure would make water from the leaf seep through the cellular membranes. -it’s osmosis. the cells in the leaf are permeable to water but not salt,so if you immerse the leaf in salt water the cell will absorb water trying to balance the osmotic pressure .if you put the leaf in fresh water the cells will dump water,the salt water will cause the cells to absorb too much water and they will burst,the fresh water leaf will dehydrate and wrinkle,i think i got it right but don’t quote me. -Your talking about tonicity, the salt solution is hypertonic and would pull fluid from the plasmodesmata in the plant cells†¦the plain water being relatively isotonic would have little loss of fluid depending on where you live in the country and if you used tap water or bottled. Its the same concept of cellular dehydration and water toxicity in human cells.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Economic reform in the Soviet Union and Russia Essay

Economic reforms in Russia and the Soviet Union have really never come to be, even after the constant assurances that the government gives its citizens that it is doing everything in its power to bring this to pass. One of the reasons this has been so difficult to achieve is the ‘man exploitation of man’ notion. Having some people live with hardly an income of between $40-$60 a month while others take huge amounts of profits made by years of an average man’s effort and labor not to mention the illegal owning of the country’s natural resources. Russia’s enormous size has also contributed to the delayed reforms. Russia is a large country which stretches across eleven time zones and eighty nine different regional governments. This has made the long distance between the locations promote the difficulty in communication and transportation. The presence of a weak central government in Moscow sometimes makes the officials far away from the capital refuse to carry out the reform programmes. There has been a lot of organized crime which especially grew in the 1990s. The ‘Russian Mafia’ had at one point in 1998 been estimated to control 40 percent of the private companies and 60 percent of state owned enterprises. It was like they had their own economy. This mafia even expanded outside Russia. This affected the economic growth for it rewarded illegal activity over honest business. Mikhail Gorbachev had brought about some economic reforms which unfortunately, yielded little results. There was the alcohol reform which involved the increment of alcohol prices such vodka and beer. Wineries were also destroyed and drinking in public prohibited. This failed due to the blockage of information by the conservatives making the pace of the reforms too slow. It brought about a huge blow to states budget making a huge loss. The glasnost reform which meant greater freedom of speech was introduced. Gorbachev intended to let the media and the public openly criticizes the government decisions. This turned out to be a mistake as the media used it to reveal some of the mistakes the government had done in the past like to severely punish its citizens. The freedom got way out of hand more than Gorbachev had intended which made the citizens change their views towards the government (Katz, 2008). Gorbachev political initiatives were positive for freedom and democracy, but his economic policies brought the country close to a disaster. There were severe shortages of basic food supplies that led to the supply of limited food substances to the citizens. Yeltsin did not do much to help in implementing the reforms. Although he advertised self sacrifice by riding in city buses, visiting factories and stores, talked with commuters, gathered hundreds of officials who were corrupt and gathered information on deficiencies, he resigned in October 21, 1987 claiming that the economic reform was proceeding too slowly. He blamed this on Gorbachev associate claiming that he had been blocking his attempts to improve the lives of Moscow’s common folk. References Katz, A. (2008). The politics of economic reform in the Soviet Union. New York: Praeger

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

American Politics and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

American Politics and Society - Essay Example There are many policies that the President cannot make possible all by himself. The different executive departments and agencies are managed and directed by persons who may not necessarily share the same objectives as the President. Furthermore, if he needs to make any changes it will first have to pass through Congress. The President has limited control over legislative acts as well. There are several steps that needed to be done before a policy can be implemented that are under the jurisdiction of persons beyond the control of the President. The President even has limited control over such important agencies such as the Federal Reserve. The British Prime Minister, on the other hand, holds the most important position in parliament as he makes many of the political decision in his country. He is responsible for appointing his cabinet. He also has the power to make the final decision on major issues. On becoming President the previous role of senator, governor or political representative held before assuming presidential role has to be relinquished. The President, therefore, while being head of the executive does not have the responsibility of representing any individual state or region. This is different with the Prime Minister. He is also a member of parliament and he, therefore, has the responsibility and duties of caring for a constituency like any other ordinary member of parliament. The party system within the United States of America is not as strong nor does it have the traditional pomp and power like what is associated with political parties in the United Kingdom. While the President automatically becomes the party leader he does not necessarily have members of his party in his cabinet. It is different with the Prime Minister who is responsible for appointing party members to his cabinet. Normally, the cabinet only comprises party members and affiliates.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Freedom and Equaity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Freedom and Equaity - Essay Example That means everyone must have the right to live their life employing their capital and labor as per their liking. Locke is considered one of the proponents of classical liberalism. In the Second Treatise of Civil Government, Locke argues that ruler derives power from the people. All individuals have a birth right to possess property and if government or ruler deprives them from this natural right, the people have all right to force ruler to leave. Locke also speaks about equality for everyone. He states liberty does not mean that anyone is given liberty of destroying oneself or for that matter anyone else's property, health, life or freedom. No one can encroach on other's rights or inflict destruction. Simply the law of nature must prevail that speaks about peace and preservation for fellow citizens. Locke lends a special emphasis on having a freedom to possess earned property. Whatever has been acquired through one's labor and hard work will, in all case, belong to that person and n o one else will have right on that possession. Locke is categorical in stating that human being is born with a perfect freedom and full rights of enjoyment with what has been provided by nature. And to this extent everyone is equal. Thus, for Locke, freedom is compatible with equality as far as it is derived from the nature and its gifts to mankind – no discrimination of any kind can be allowed. ... Social contract deals with people's freedom and rights albeit in a political sense. Everyone is free in this social contract and laws that are essentially to safeguard and regulate each individual. He also asserts that freedom of each person is the chief element to be preserved; however, they still need to follow social contract for their own survival. As per Rousseau, equality and freedom are two political ends and they are correlated such that the equality is a necessary condition to restore freedom. With the advent of industrial revolution in Europe, a new kind of thought process emerged, especially from Marx and Angles as they believed that a great dividing line existed between haves and have-nots. According to them, there is no true equality among the people and the root cause behind inequality is the capitalist nature of the society. According to them, a true freedom is acquired when everyone is free from oppression and exploitation by any section of the society. They strongly believe that a large section of the labor class in the society does not enjoy true freedom or equality. That was the time when Europe had already ushered into a great industrial revolution in the nineteenth century and large scale labor transition to the industries took place. For them, economic equality is of a great importance for the society and since that due to its absence labor class does not enjoy the true freedom. In other sense, they emphasize that freedom and equality are not compatible and individual freedom to generate wealth must be taken away to restore equality among the people. In their Manifesto, they depict, "Masses of laborers, crowded into the factor, are organized like soldiers. Not only are they slaves of the bourgeois class, and the bourgeois state,

Monday, October 7, 2019

Engaging Communication Technologies of the 1950s Assignment - 1

Engaging Communication Technologies of the 1950s - Assignment Example Moreover, the advent of digital media has brought the conditions of the old technologies into relief, making the world more conscious of the media environment (Winston, P. 12). This paper explores the technological advances in the media industry across the world in the 1950s. In particular, the paper discusses how technological changes affected the lives and perceptions of people in different regions of the world, comparing how technology was used then and its modern use. Among the decades of the second half of the 20th Century, perhaps the 1950s was regarded as the most conservative. Nevertheless, it is during the same period that different regions of the world experienced many advances and changes in technologies and their uses. In this regard, a lot changed in the way people carried out their routine activities as work became easier to do. Given that World War II had just ended less than a decade ago and the world had come to appreciate the use of machinery and technology during the war, different governments and individual scientists embarked on developing new technologies in addition to improving on the existing ones (Winston, P. 31). The technologies that people merely anticipated during and before World War II began to become a reality for many of the people, more so in the Western World and some regions of Asia. Among the sectors that benefitted most from the technological developments of the 1950s was the communication and transport sector, particularly the media industry. It is therefore not be realistic and proper to label the 1950s a sleepy or a conservative decade. As far as media technology is concerned, the 1950s was one of the most productive and revolutionary decades. For example, a rapid change was recorded in both television and radio technology and content. In addition, there were developments in the technologies related to newspaper

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Understanding HR concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Understanding HR concepts - Essay Example Evidently, human resource managers use training as a performance appraisal tool, which they conduct either after selection of the employees or during a specific time of the year. Organizations such as Ubisoft initiate a yearly program of performance appraisal as part of their talent development strategy. The value of employee training is an issue that has drawn a lot of controversy within the field of research. Research shows that employee training is a complex and expensive process that demands both time and resources from the organization. Therefore, training increases an organization’s expenses within a year, a feature that has become undesirable for many organizations. During a century of intensive business competition, organizations are experiencing financial constraints and their priority is to minimise any expenses. Some organizations have eliminated their training programs as one way of cutting the costs of production. However, there is evidence that employee training may have a wide range of benefits for an organization. First, training keeps the employees motivated and gives them the zeal to work confidently within their department. Secondly, there is evidence that trained employees have a higher work output and this contributes to an increase in the profit generate d within a year. In addition, employee training helps to develop employee’s talents to help them grow as the organization grows (Bratton & Gold, 2001). This explains why large companies have elaborate training programs that seek to improve the employee performance. However, there are obstacles to employee training programs that the human resource managers must anticipate while implementing performance appraisal. Training may become ineffective when employee have acquired optimal performance and feel that they cannot learn more. In this case, investing in employee training does not improve worker performance. In other cases, the employees may feel

Saturday, October 5, 2019

At the time of the Gate Gourmet strike British Airways lost the input Essay

At the time of the Gate Gourmet strike British Airways lost the input of an essential key supplier with huge consequences for the firm - Essay Example On the other hand, British Airways outsourced its in-flight catering to Gate Gourmet as a way of minimising operational costs through the provision of minimal wages and offering working contracts without pensions, holiday or sick leave pay. The result of this was that British Airways was able to register more profits for itself at the expense of the immigrant workers that worked for Gate Gourmet. The strike action began one morning after the Gate Gourmet women of Indian origin came from their tea break and found other workers that had replaced them because the new employees were willing to work for even lesser pay as compared to the former workers (Hickey 2005). As a result of this, the baggage handlers stormed out of their workstations in protest over the sacking of these women and the ill treatment that they had received from their employer. This led to the closure of the Heathrow Airport for at least forty eight hours in which the media took the opportunity to highlight the disgru ntlement that customers had experienced during the time of the strike. Ideally, the job of a continuity manager is to ensure that an organisation returns to efficient capacity in service delivery as soon as possible while also making sure that a company’s customers are not affected much by the discontinuity. Essentially, strike action tends to be a confrontational crisis in which workers that have no job satisfaction use this as a venue for expressing themselves as provided for in the labour laws (Laws 2013, p. 93). The fist step is to ensure that passengers scheduled for short overhaul flights access food through their food vouchers, meaning that the strike should not ground them. The handling of this should be with a standby team that a continuity manager should ensure that an airline has in place in the vent that such a situation occurs in